Industrial Light and Power can handle all of your underground cable, conduit, and duct bank installations as well as cable and conduit locating services using the latest in locator technology.
Industrial Light and Power is also your cathodic protection specialists and can handle any of your underground pipeline grounding or cathodic protection needs.
Underground electrical work applies to manhole, vaults, and hand holes; duct lines and trenches; cable; and ground-mounted and underground equipment associated with underground electrical lines.
Industrial Light and Power is always concerned with the safeguarding and protecting of pedestrians, motorists, facility workers, and equipment by the use of barriers, warning signs, lights, flags, traffic cones, high-level standards, barricade rope, and flagmen utilizing the appropriate Class II or Class III protective clothing. Protection is required for approaches to work areas, excavations, open manholes, and parked equipment.
Work area protection methods used by Industrial Light and Power will provide safety for workers, equipment,and the public without excessively impeding public traffic.
How Can We Help?
Industrial Light and Power is here to answer any questions that you may have. We take pride in our adaptability and service so if you don’t see something you’re looking for feel free to ask us about it.